After getting a Traxxas TRX-4 Kit with the Defender body some time ago, I learned that it's not good to let the car sit on its tires in the shelve all the time, because the tires will get flat spots.

So a good opportunity to get into 3D printing again and design stands to put under the car.
I did the design in Fusion 360 (which is free for hobbyists) and then printed on my cheap Prusa i3 MK2 style printer from Taobao. Here's the result:

Here you can download the design (Fusion 360 file and STL files for the components): Traxas TRX-4 Stand
And for anyone interested, here's the toolchain I used:
- Fusion 360 for 3D design and STL export
- Slic3r for slicing, i.e. converting the STL 3D model to GCODE printer control command
- Pronterface to control the printer and to send the GCODE